Sunday, November 22, 2009

FIFA invites ridicule by denying Irish request for replay

FIFA has rejected a request by the Irish soccer authorities for a World Cup replay following the debacle of the match in which the winning goal was scored through a blatant hand ball. The fact that the incident could be seen by every person in the stadium except for the referee and his two assistants, who completely missed is incredulous. But worse is the situation where FIFA appears to have kowtowed to the French officials who rejected a fair call for a replay, it really is mind boggling.

FIFA seriously needs to show more leadership and the world world that something this important is not merely "swept under the rug" as the cliche goes. The rejection of a replay is pathetic and immoral. I would also caution those who wish to label Thierry Henry as a cheat, that they are way off the mark, as he is and always was a man of integrity. He has further demonstrated this by backing the call for a replay. Having said all of this, the most important thing to be done here is for FIFA to stop hiding behind rules and just do the right thing. Ensure that a fair result is always the case.


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