Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Blessing Beyond Comprehension

Today is one of those days when it is completely obvious how much I have been blessed in my life. I am blessed with a knowledge of God and his kindness, goodness and love for his children. I am blessed to know that his Son lived on this earth and died for my sins. I am blessed to have been lead by the hand by a loving eternal parent to my wife; my great love and soulmate. To find such happiness and understanding in a fine, intelligent and beautiful woman who loves me equally and complements me in every way; to have the richness in my life of my parents, my treasured children and grandchildren added to in infinite measure by my sweetheart and her wonderful family is a blessing beyond price. Thank you my love for all you have brought to my life and I wish you on your birthday peace, happiness, and the deep and endless love of a husband to whom you have brought meaning, delight, hope and faith. What purpose would there be to life in heaven, assuming that you lived well enough on earth to warrant dwelling again with your Maker, if you did not have the companionship of your sweet wife and your family?


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