Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Freedom of Identity: Part 1

Adam Lambert (pictured) was the runner-up in the 2009 edition of American Idol. Personally, I hoped he would win, as I liked him much better; but that’s another story. It has been suggested in some quarters that Adam lost in the final to Kris Allen because he was gay; and although Lambert had not admitted as such, it was obvious. That a person might lose a contest because he or she is gay, Muslim, or pregnant, is ludicrous and just plain wrong. It would appall me if this allegation is correct.
Truth is truth. The best singer, or dancer or bagpipe player should win because they are the best. No other criteria should enter into it. Fortunately, Adam coming second will not prevent him from having the great career that he so richly deserves. Anyway, winning the competition has been somewhat of a curse to others; just ask Taylor Hicks or Fantasia Barrino (and to be honest I had to look up their names because I couldn’t remember them!).
Just recently it has been revealed to Rolling Stone magazine, by Adam, that he is in fact gay and proud of it. Good for you in having the courage. But the fact is, it shouldn’t take courage, it should just be accepted. People should be allowed to be what they are and not be the subject of innuendo, abuse or retaliation. Sing your heart out Adam!


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