Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Redbox Rocks

I believe that the best new business idea to come along in the last few years is Redbox, without a doubt. It is such a great win-win plan that I cannot personally see a downside. It is McDonalds and Blockbuster meets the Vending Machine. Very simple, very effective and the consumer loves the concept. You get DVD rented at $1.00 per night. You can rent at the machine or pre-book online AND drop them off at any kiosk, not just the one you rented it from! If there is any trouble there is a 1-800 number to call to get free advice and customer service. Local businesses are lining up to host them nearby because Redbox customers are attracted to their stores as well. Whoever thought the combination up deserves a medal and a raise. I hope they are making the money that this franchise obviously makes, as each kiosk averages $37,347 per year and there are thousands of them.
Another thing the company did that caught my eye was to be proactive in crime prevention. When three of their machines in Arizona and New Mexico were found to have credit card skimming devices attached to them they went on the offensive. They told their customers that it had happened and where; and pictured what the devices looked like on their website, so that customers could see for themselves. They also set up a hotline for information flow.
Redbox rocks! And now we have one less than a quarter mile from my house it makes me even happier. Redbox is a wonderful business concept that will continue to gain adherents and move up the rankings to become, I believe the number one rental agency for DVDs in the United States.


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